Came across a former favorite song. My teenage self is excited.
Same as it ever was.
No Light From Another World.
Look and Listen.
Cape Cod.
Life Below Zero.
The Glorious Gazelles.
And this is just for fun. As is everything else here probably.
Niagara Falls.
The Fog.
Still falls the rain.
Road Trip.
End undefined.
The The.
If by yes.
Niagara Falls City is an utterly bizarre place. Who would have thought.
MIT McGovern's newest MRI addition.
This picture would only be half as funny if the note on the scanner wouldn't say "Don't push the cover."
%un in the %un for %(f,s) in sprinkler.
Can we please acknowledge the fact that the out-of-focus water drops form circles on the right and triangles on the left side of the picture?
For a minute there.
He piled upon the whale's white hump.
This whale looks a little more sad than intended - but then again, do whales ever look happy?
4th of July.
Whoever it is I have to thank for this.
Gone Fishing.
May Be.
I am here, or elsewhere. The best place to be is somewhere else.