If they wouldn't always hide in the most dark and scary places, I would just spend the rest of my life taking pictures of stars.
MIT Sean Collier Memorial Service.
Kurt Says.
Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.
Not Even A Title.
It's sad outside.
Not Anywhere.
Random Hacks of Kindness. Report 2013.
Something So Seemingly Simple.
A wedding in Berlin Neukölln - of course we couldn't miss the chance of stopping by at Tempelhof.
5 Hour Sunset.
Take me away.
Seeing Stars.
It's the tiny things that easily floor me.
Boston Downtown from the Pier and Fireworks. Still astound.
Well, Boston.
We might have to become friends now.
Turn Left, Right.
A kafkaesque week is coming to an end.
Achilles Says.
I love winter. And I love this quote. Other than that this picture makes no sense whatsoever.
Yesterday You Said Tomorrow.
Programmed in Processing. All other credits go to Julian Hibbard.
Ernest Says.
Something silly.
Fjodor Says.
The darker the night, the brighter the stars.