I haven't been uploading new pictures in awhile, but that does not mean I have not been busy. News will follow soon.
I haven't been uploading new pictures in awhile, but that does not mean I have not been busy. News will follow soon.
From time to time I feel the urge to create something nobody needs nor wants to see.
Album Cover for non existing Album. I guess.
Es ist egal, Aber. So will ich's doch nicht haben.
Digging out old music. Digging out old pictures that never made it to release. Listening to The Smiths.
I couldn't see through it all.
Well, Tango. Guess you didn't see this one coming.
Outtake from the shot with Tango Dancers Angela & David @ RAW Berlin.
Ok, what was I thinking. This is the result of having leftover pictures of beautiful ballet dancers that somehow don't work yet and going to see exhibitions that feature Metropolis film posters. Listening to Fever Ray's "Concrete Walls" didn't really help creating a spark of happiness and hope, either.
Oh, yes. The mandatory New Year's post.
First round of shots from the shoot with Blame Fashion.
Hair & Make Up. Katharina Franke | Model. Marie Ihm @ Cat Models | Location. Tintin @ Paul-Lincke-Ufer Berlin
Leave The Darkest Of Marks.
A little bit of design work for a change. This certificate was created as part of the SecondMuse team for the Hackathon at betahaus Berlin organised by RHoK Berlin.
Old picture of the Benjamin Franklin Hospital in Berlin.
Something different. I don't seem to be able to stick to one style.
I know I'm late. But this is also perfect for the 11.11. theme, lucky me.
Tripping over rooftops. I admit this is a little ... different.
You find a thin line between Isolation and Hope.